速報APP / 工具 / ExtremeLocation™ Toolbox

ExtremeLocation™ Toolbox





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Extreme Networks 9 Northeastern Blvd. Salem, NH 03079

ExtremeLocation™ Toolbox(圖1)-速報App

ExtremeLocation™ Toolbox is designed to help the Network administrators responsible for deploying ExtremeLocation™ in their sites. This application is not meant to be used by Wi-Fi end users.

The application is used in conjugation with the ExtremeLocation™ servers to create a fingerprint of observed RSSI to known locations which are a critical input to the ExtremeLocation™ algorithms. The application can be installed on 1 or 2 supported android devices depending on whether either one or both bands need to be fingerprinted. The application needs to know the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth MAC address of the devices on which it is installed and may send these details to the ExtremeLocation™ servers for deeper observation of the device transmissions. Further, the application estimates the location of the device along a known path (input by user) and indicates to the user when/where to stop along the path for the system to collect data. These locations where data is collected is sent to the server for further analysis and fingerprinting and may be stored in the server.

ExtremeLocation™ Toolbox(圖2)-速報App

ExtremeLocation™ Toolbox(圖3)-速報App

ExtremeLocation™ Toolbox(圖4)-速報App

ExtremeLocation™ Toolbox(圖5)-速報App

ExtremeLocation™ Toolbox(圖6)-速報App